Giving Makes a Difference for Pacificans in need

Support Pacifica's children, youth, seniors and families

Giving Makes a Difference for Pacificans in need image


raised towards $15,000 goal



Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Support Pacifica's children, youth, seniors and families

Your contribution will make a huge difference!

Together we made a difference for Pacificans in need.

This last year Pacificans Care celebrates 40 years of supporting local social services for our young people, seniors, and families in need.

As a result of your past generosity Pacificans Care was able to distribute over $90 thousand in annual grant funds and holiday gratitude gifts to Pacifica social service agencies to meet critical needs of children, youth, individuals, families, and seniors in the community, including:

  • Pacifica Resource Center to address safety-net services for housing, food security, transportation, financial stability, and utilities for over 1,500 Pacifica households.
  • Pacifica Child Care Services to provide summer enrichment programs and swim lessons to children who would otherwise be unable to participate.
  • Pacifica Senior Services to provide socialization, life learning opportunities, health programs, and quality nutrition for seniors through the Meals on Wheels program, which delivers 2,000-2,400 meals per month.
  • Pacifica Youth Service Bureau to provide counseling services to students at seven Pacifica schools, and entire families at its clinic site.

The need for these critical social services in Pacifica continues.

As we approach our 40th year of service to the community your much-needed contribution to Pacificans Care is more important than ever.

Thank you for your generosity, your support makes a huge difference for those in need.

With gratitude from the Pacificans Care Board of Directors

Pacificans Care, EIN 77-0004308, an exempt organization permitted by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

2023 Charitable Donation from Your IRA: If you are at least 70 1/2 years old, please also consider a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) to Pacificans Care of all or a portion of your required minimum distribution (RMD). A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA, payable directly to a qualified charity, such as Pacificans Care. For a QCD to count toward your 2022 RMD, the funds must come out of your IRA by your RMD deadline, which is generally December 31. So please talk to your financial advisor or IRA custodian today. We appreciate your consideration!